Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!

It's Easter Sunday today. Christ has risen. He is alive. Our sins have been paid for. The need blood sacrifice has been made. And we are free. We to love Him, free to worship Him, free to believe in Him, because He kept His promise. And now it's our turn. It's our turn to keep our promise. Our promise to love Him and worship Him and to believe in Him.

I have never suffered. Never. When I think of suffering I think of intense pain. The kind of pain that you never forget. And there has not a time like that for me, so I can't say I have ever suffered. So I can only understand suffering in an intellectual way. I can give you the dictionary definition of it. I can speak on the worse pain I had but even then I wouldn't call it suffering. I based on this I feel as though I only intellectually understand what Jesus, God, went through for us. Yes, I believe it. But the true depth of it all escapes me. I'm thankful for my belief. Thankful that it's not about feeling what He did, but to believe that He did it for me and to not take it for granted.

But there is one thing I have always taken for granted though. Or rather never thought of.
I have always thought God sent Jesus to earth to die for us. That was His plan and it had to be done. I always thought of it as a job so He was emotionally separated from it. He was doing this for us so He was happy about it. I forgot the Jesus was is His son. A friend of mine died at the beginning of the year and a number of friends and I went to see His mother, even though the strength she showed, she cried, she cried and wept and the pain she felt was palpable. God lost His son. His son died. His only son died. Because we killed Him. Yes, that was the plan but His son died. Can you imagine the pain He must have felt? I can't. Intellectually yes, but otherwise no. The sky went dark and the curtain in the temple tore but I figured it was just to make it obvious who had just died. But no, God was in pain. Intellectually. I got it. And now I get it. Yes, Jesus died for us, but it wasn't just a contract to be met. It came at great emotional cost.

Happy Easter to you. Our Lord has risen and now we can go back. We can go back to Him. Praise Him.

Watch this to the end. You'll get it.

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