Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sensitivity… and then some.

You would think the world couldn't be more a complicated place and then you realize that everyone is so sensitive about everything: race, gender, sexuality, age, skin colour, and I could go on. I mean sure, there are differences in the world and the not-so-traditional ones would need a certain level of sensitivity for the world to remain a civil place but …really?

E.g., I have nothing against women fighting for equal rights and all that, in fact I support it, but then to get offended when someone says something like "your boyfriend is stronger" talking about who can accomplish some task… that's just… I don't know. I mean… it's probably true though, no? Sure, it could potentially make you feel like you need to buff up but really? Because you also want to be able to change a tire? You are going to get sensitive because your boyfriend is stronger than you making it easier from him to change a tire or wax a car… Really.

Ok, ok independent women are what's in fashion these days and I totally get it, I'm in utter support of it and in fact working towards being one. But be sensitive about the fact that in some parts of the world women don't receive the same wages as a man for the same job and things to that magnitude. The bigger things. The make-the-world-a-better-place things.

I just think some people are just overtly sensitive about some things. Or maybe I'm in a bad mood… or being over sensitive myself… aaahhhh *realization dawns*.

1 comment:

  1. welcome to Wellesley :) i have to live through this everyday in class


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