Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm tired.

You know. That kinda tired that allows you to sit and stare at the lint floating about because you've lost your motivation to move. That kinda tired that seems to engulf your body, ooze past your bones and marinate your soul. And you cannot for the life of you explain why… at least not to another person. And not even if you tried. But… here goes:

I'm tired because I cannot lighten my load. I've tired but its like walking around barefoot and trying to get rid of the dirt by dusting off with your hands and then continue walking. Now both your hands (and everywhere you put them) and your feet are dirty. 
I'm tired because I cannot put words to the things I feel. I cannot explain their source. Mainly because most think it wrong or irrational. Trust me I know it's irrational, but try telling that to someone with [eg] claustrophobia and see if it gets them to stand in a closet.  
I'm tired because when I find myself trying to explain why I am/feel the way I am/feel all I'm ever met with is confusion, assumptions, hurt feelings or retreat. But… but… it's the truth. …Or what I think is the truth. 
I'm tired because I dont know for sure what the truth is. Am I simply hiding behind what I think is the truth to avoid facing the true issues. But facing the true issues should help me solve them so hiding from it would be stupid… 
I'm tired because when I don't explain why I am/feel the way I am/feel, I still get the same results. 
I'm tired because I'm confused…


  1. It is easy to get caught up in the various issues in our life. Take it a little at and time, listen to some soothing music and think of nothing. :)

  2. Thanx Tetekai, I did just that and even added some background rain noise. lol. :) Quite soothing I must say. Hope you are well!


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This work by KuiDee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.