Thursday, September 9, 2010


See, the issue with technology and social networking websites is not only that they are so many but despite the numbers you STILL can't escape from some people.
Once upon a time, we were chill and I didn't mind you on everything (cus nothing special/significant really happens that goes on there) but now I'd much rather not have said person have such unlimited access to my life BECAUSE I WANT TO RANT ABOUT YOU (said person)!
Number of media through which I was rant-blocked: 3
Twitter, Facebook, and Skype. (Would be 4 if their blackberry msgr was set up and 5 if I knew they read this blog). And because of this I think I was just more irritable because I just couldn't rant!! Do you know just know frustrating that is?

But I have another point of view by which you can look at this problem.
We (I) learn accountability and/or to be patient.

Lemme explain…
So patience first. It was the simple fact that I couldn't just go straight to twitter to spew a string of words that expressed my grand irritation with this person because they were bound to see it and even if they didn't guess it was about them would ask about it anyways. As a result, I had to sit and fight away/ignore the cause of the irritation until I felt better or just be straight with the person and tell them to BEHAVE!

Accountability; Really should be self-explanatory.
With so many avenues where you can create an online version of yourself each of which is accessible by so many people, there are bound to be times where you check yourself or some else does that for you.
Of course the standards to which one is kept accountable is defined by themselves and their group of friends…

Lol. Obviously, sometimes these social networking thingys allow you to explore different points of view.

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