Thursday, December 2, 2010

Warning: Demolition in progress.

I only just realized that in my performance of life I have left behind a trail of major wreckages. Little did I know that each wreckage was actually a piece of my heart cracked and broken off and left behind. Here I thought I was protecting myself... But no. I was ripping myself apart. Slowly. The reflecting I've done over the past 48 hrs has left me so empty. Yet so full of regrets and thoughts of "What [expletive, expletive] did you think you were doing!??"
The problem now is: what do I do? The broken pieces were originally a mix, but now just mine. Do I attempt to make it better? Is wanting to do so selfish yet again? Would it help at all? ...I'll do anything.

I think too long in a hot shower emphasizes dehydration...
Shrink session scheduled, that is one person I shouldn't be able to wreck...

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