Thursday, September 24, 2009

Because I lived…

That caption says, "A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in or the kind of car I drove… but the world may be different because I was important in the life of child."

So again, I was at the chiropractor today waiting to get my STEM therapy (some vibrating back massage thingy the function/purpose of which I still do not understand despite the numerous questions) and a troublesome shelf had been replaced with this framed poster (diff. picture tho, but same words).

This semester I managed to sneak into a leadership class meant for freshman by pulling a few of the strings I found over the summer through my job. I did this because in December back home I'm helping plan and facilitate a leadership program for JSS (junior high school) students and I thought this would be the "easiest" (30 pg readings and all) way to get first hand information on some things I could bring to the program. But more importantly it was because I felt if I did nothing else with my life I want another person's life to be significantly better because I lived. And this is what I told the class when we had to share our dreams.

In response to this, another student in the class commented on how attainable that goal was. And it was at the point that I actually realized how true that is. I do not need to wait for a specific avenue or a specific person on even this leadership program (though that is like my baby right now) but I can reach the people right here right now.

Despite the caption, I cannot honestly say that significantly changing a life is my highest priority right now not with the 200+ pages I have to read by tomorrow, but it gets a high score on the list. Either way this is speaks to my passions and what I have found I want to do with myself and how I'm going to do that (especially the "significantly" bit). But for now I'm going to start with the little insignificant ways I know how.

So I'm off to go give someone a hug, and draw a smile and make their lives better… even if its just slightly, remember little drops of water…

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This work by KuiDee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.