Maybe I am, but don’t really want to be? Or maybe, I’m not because there are so may why’s and what if’s and confused smiley faces like these --- > :S.
But, either which way, I’m not sure what to do with these feelings. And therein, my biggest problem lies. I think way too much compared to the fact that I almost always do nothing about it. You would
*Continues daydreaming for a minute longer…*
ANYWAY! Like I was saying…
I feel as though so many brilliant ideas, opportunities, experiences, and inventions even, are lost because no action comes of Thoughts. There could be so much more that one would be able to speak on…but isn’t, because… well… it stayed in
So, I still am not sure exactly what this feeling is. Though I think I may have an idea of the what/who. I might even have a why… Might. Does it inspire action? Well, I’ll let you know.
Let it be noted though, that I’m on the fence about whether decisive inaction still counts as action. Thoughts?
Talk to God. He'll help you understand these weird feelings. :D