Friday, May 27, 2011

Time Lapse

Dear someone,
To take the time to describe to you exactly how I feel would be like attempting to climb a mountain… without gear… in the middle of an Arctic blizzard… with my back against the rock. I'm sure you get the picture. I couldn't possibly because really I do not know what it is I feel. Do they dive to true depths, soar to dizzying highs or are simply grounded on the shallowness of the vast solid earth? …

Dear someone else (or so it seems),
I have seen you, laughed and talked with you and even held you. I knew you… But years later you have lost a dimension. Yes, I know you are alive and well, yet you are hardly more than a flat picture on the wall that seems to come alive and spring from the frame but are in fact only reflecting the differently coloured rays of the setting sun shining through half drawn curtains… I truly ought to pull them closed.

Dear yet another,
I  drew the curtains.
Explanatory words fail me for there are none that can help me… or you.
I'm sorry…

Dear stranger,
YOU DRIVE ME NUTS! Go away already! Lord, help me.


  1. Hi Ruddi!! It's Michelle~~ :)

    I made a blog to comment on your blog!

    Hehe I really miss you!!<3 I hope you're doing well~

    Let's meet soon for Skype!!

  2. This is so real.. and I get where you are coming fro chale. DEEP. hmm so this stranger.. we shall discuss that one soon enough.

  3. Haha! Missed you too Michelle! and yea we need to get on Skype.
    Chale Mys.Tery… hmmm.


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This work by KuiDee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.