I just realised that a lot tends to ride on the first impression that you have of a person that you meet. Or rather I should say we (I) tend to make a number of decisions about a person based on this first encounter, including how we forever interact with them.
While we always hear a person never gets a second chance to make a first impression, did you ever think of how your …state of mind (?) affects that impression that person makes? A state of mind they obviously have absolutely no control over.
Here is what I mean:
Say you are in the office and you just found out some unfortunate news that has left you in quite the sour mood with the thickest, greyest cloud you've ever seen over your head, your boss at that point walks in to introduce you to a very chirpy, excited, young blonde intern in a colourful suit rather than one of a traditional colour.
What first impression do you have of her at that point?
My guess is that you might be irritated with her and think she's too bubbly and then maybe tend to avoid her. If you were in a more bubbly mood yourself you just might click and it would be start of a fantastic relationship. In either situation, the blonde didn't change. Your state of mind did. What I'm trying to say basically is that I currently think a first impression of one person is a two way thing. (Of course when two people first meet each is getting a first impression of the other but that's not what I'm talking about.)
Speaking from my own experience (I was just telling someone this yesterday) a few of the guy friends I have were guys who were trying to pick me up. Usually I would blow them of, take their numbers (instead of giving mine) and never call or just simply ignore them. BUT for those I actually called I was more than likely to have been in a fantastic mood when they approached.
So much so that one time I even took a walk with one I'd known for 15 mins. (Yes, I think back to that and wonder "What the hell were you thinking Kui?!!!!" But thank God he was chill. whew.)
But yes my point is, you can't always be in the best of moods but the next time you know you are about to meet someone try to be in a receptive mood or not even Denzel Washington could make a good first impression.
And don't you just hate it when you have a bad first impression and then avoid the person and then are sorta force back with them and realise you've missed out on having this person in your life?? Think about it.